BOSMA Technics

Successful frost protection in fruit business

The important COMPONENTS that make our wind machines very effective…

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Blade / Propellor
Orchard Rite blade
The most important component… The more air than can be flown, the more surface you can protect.
We used all air-tunnel tests to get the best blade.
Where install wind machines
Our own-built robust and stable gearboxes enable a reliable function of our machine: At engine - side, as well as on top of the tower where the blade is attached.
FORD engine
We cooperate with the best engine producers. When running… our engines need constant and high RPM…. And the engine has to be reliable… At frost - time, the machine should run… Reliability is key !!!
Drive Line Protection
We used to have this as an option, but since 5 years we put it on all machines. The goal is: When the engine fails (mostly this happens due to having no fuel), avoid that drivelines or gearboxes get touched.